Azerbaijaneko Lanbide Heziketako arduradunen bisita izan dugu Ikaslan Gipuzkoan, gure Lanbide Heziketako sistema ezagutu eta bereziki Ikaslan Gipuzkoako elkarteak egiten duen ekarpena lanbide Heziketa publikoari eta bere lanak ezagutu internazionalizazio mailan.
Name: |
Position: |
1. |
Mr. Jeyhun KARAMOV |
Director of State Agency on Vocational Education under the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan |
2. |
Mr. Kanan HASANLI |
Head of Department of Quality Control in Vocational Education, State Agency on Vocational Education under the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan |
3. |
Head of Unit under the Department of Organization Vocational Education and Working with Educators, State Agency on Vocational Education under the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan |
4. |
Ms. Gulnar AHMADOVA |
Senior Advisor of the Department of Organization Vocational Education and Working with Educators, State Agency on Vocational Education under the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan |
5. |
Mr. Ilkin NAZAROV |
Team Leader of the EU funded project on “Strengthening capacities for quality assurance and credit transfer in VET in Azerbaijan” |